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Old 03-04-2011, 02:32 AM
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Sorry it's not a bad advise, it is a very bad advise.

Once you will get marine velvet and all your fish will be dead...then you will realize just how bad this advise is.

Too many people gamble with the live of their fish just from the laziness and lack of patience or knowledge to do a proper quarantine. When the quarantine stress the fish it is because it is not done properly. I currently have 3 fish in a 21 gallons and they are in great shape, no more ick, and they eat like little pigs. They are absolutely not stressed but I do have enough liverock to avoid ammonia (always 0) and to provide shelter. When I go to the tank to feed, they are almost jumping out of the water to catch the food. I feed them 3 times per day as much as they want to eat and that's a lot..still no ammonia.

2 more weeks to go and they will be ick free. I leave them in hyposalinity for 5 weeks then raise the salinity back to 1.025 over the course of one week.

What med will kill the liverock? copper. When do you need copper? for marine velvet. Marine velvet is rare but kill lightning fast. Most of the time the fish come in with ick and internal parasites. Hyposalinity does NOT kill the liverock biofilter at all. For parasite I use prazipro and it does not kill anything. It is reef safe even for corals. So unless someone has velvet and need to treat with copper, pointless to be without liverock.

but you did say it right..waste your time. Most people skip the quarantine because they find better things to do with their so precious time.

Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
Actually, I don't waste my time either with a QT... As I have stated many times, I don't believe in it, and in many ways doing a QT can stress livestock out more than its worth. Basically the less you fiddle with things, IMO the better.

So, I too recommend not using a QT, but as others stated, to each their own. This will be something that you will have to decide on yourself.

I don't think you can say that is bad advice, it is open to interpretation and to what one decides they want to do.

Last edited by daniella3d; 03-04-2011 at 02:37 AM.
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