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Old 03-03-2011, 11:22 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,591
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He's happy as a clam... Errr, happy as a fish?.... The ich still comes and goes though. It seems that after a week of heavy feeding ( to reduce stress) it came back pretty bad. Big water change and it was gone. The ich flair up could have been due to the polluted water from overfeeding or it could have just been coincidal with the natural cycle of the parasite. Dunno. Either way, a water change seemed to help.

I also stopped feeding with garlic for a bit. BAM! Ich! I've stepped up feedin with garlic again and it seems to help. I've found that Spike won't take the food of there are garlic chunks... He just nibbles and then spits the food out. I've started slicing the garlic and adding it to boiled RO/DI and letting it cool... Basically making my own garlic extract. I'll remove the garlic with a strainer and then add the food to the extract and let it soak for several hours. I then drain the garlic water and freeze the food. He goes bananas for this stuff and it seems to do the trick.
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