I've decided that the full package might not be what everyone is after, so I've decided to part out the system. If someone is interested in buying up everything, I'll still let it go for $2000 shipping included, but given the interest I've recieved, I doubt certain parts will last long. If you take the time to add everything up, it's roughly worth $2700. The main P3 is only 2 months old, the 4 pump dosing unit is 6 months old, with only 2 of the pumps used for 2 part dosing, and very minimally at that. All prices below include shipping in Canada.
•Profilux Plus III Ex Controller Package
($1,000) Used 2 months
•6 Outlet Digital Powerbar PAB. (For those wanting to know, the PAB version powerbar allows you to monitor, record, and chart electrical usage)
•Power Supply
•GHL Temperature Probe
•USB Cable
•Generic pH Probe
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•Profilux 6 Way Digital Power Bar
($200) I have 2 of these for sale
•ProfiLux Conductance/Salinity Electrode
($125) Used 3 months
•Profilux Float Level Sensor
($25) Sold
•Profilux Optical Level Sensor
($75) Sold
•Profilux Water Level Sensor Bar Assy
($25) Sold
•Profilux SIMU-L Effects LED Light Bar
($100) Sold
•GHL 4 Pump Dosing Unit
($350) Sold