well i called king eds today. i talked to a guy named ron over the phone he actually remembered me since i am there all the time and have bought everything from him(knows me as the guy with the flashy red prelude lol). he told me he could hook me up with a seastar or hagen 135gal for under 400. we also talked about this 150gal thats been sitting there for awhile. he said to come in when i get back in town and we can work somthing out. really nice guy.
o and just for some of u guys who are looking for tanks. he let me know that he wants to move alot of his larger hagen tanks thats have been sitting there for awhile. he led me to beleive he is selling them for just a little above his cost. so if u are looking for a all glass tank under 135gallons go to king eds. make sure to ask for a guy named ron. i know for sure he wants to move some of his bigger hagen tanks. well thats the impression he left me with.
i get back in town tomorrow and will probably swing but king eds on tuesday. peace