C.B. stands for Coral Beauty. I think C.B. stands for Carnivorous Bitch! Or maybe Consumer of Brains!
Every now and then it takes a liking to my red/green Brain and I have to cover it with a strawberry basket for a couple of weeks until the CB forgets about it. This usually works for a month or two until it remembers how nice it tasted, then I have to go through the whole process again. It's getting to be a little tiresome so I may move the Brain to the 225g. It really isn't a very nice fish at all and just gets more ****y with age, (had her over 3 years now): She picks at the Brain and chases the Fairy Wrasse, PJ Cardinal, Yellow Assessor and Watchman Goby. She's lucky she's so pretty or I'd have traded her in for a bag of rocks a long time ago.
225g reef