Spending too much time at the ice rink; need to spend some time away from the hobby.
I have a 120 gal tank (2x2x4) with rear overflow and black wood stand ...
EuroReef Skimmer RC130 with Sedra pump
brand new 250 w heater
Ph monitor
Helix UV
2 brand new Hamilton 20,000 400 w MH bulbs
2 brand new Ushio 14,000 400w MH bulbs
tons of misc stuff incl fish food
1 8" blue face angel
1 purple tang
2 Gold strip Maroon clown fish
1 blue carpet
various critters
approx 100 lbs of live rocks
All for $500... Will only sell as a package
Located in South Vancouver by Killarney Community Centre
Please email me at