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Old 02-26-2011, 02:45 AM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
I would suggest doing away with all mechanical float switches altogether and go with a tunze

If you need the mechanical valve so your auto-top off reservoir can draw water directly from your house, you should set it up to fill a bucket/container next to your sump. Then have a Tunze system with the pump in the bucket.

The risk will be that if it fails, you'll end up with a flood on your floor, but that's a risk regardless. At least this way if the mechanical valve fails you'll still have your tank in pristine condition to console you while you're replacing your flooring.

The other option is just having an auto top off reservoir you fill manually next to your tank with the Tunze auto-top off. Less ideal because it requires work, but I fill mine maybe once every 4 days, and if I have to go out of town for longer than that, I can set up a larger rubbermaid in front of the tank and put the Tunze pump in it (just remember to also move to output end of the hose on the main tank if you do that as well!)
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