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Old 02-25-2011, 05:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Are they schedule 40 bulkheads (black) or the schedule 80 (grey I would think)?

Can you post a picture of how far in they go into the hole?

I think you can drill over the holes if need be. You'll need a plant sprayer to spray water as you go instead of the usual trapping-water thing you usually have to do. I've used the spray bottle when drilling holes on glass I couldn't get horizontal like on a tank too big to turn sideways.

No idea how risky it is.

If it's just 1mm short maybe a dremel with diamond bit to grind out the holes to make them large enough?

Or, just use the 3/4" bulkheads but step it up to 1" on either side. Would make for a small restriction but maybe not much worse than a typical 90-degree thing.
Great suggestions

They are the schedule 40 black ones. I think I am going to go with your last suggestion. I have already experienced the whole square peg round hole thing, I think I want to go with the easiest solution. thanks
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