I purchased a "single nana switch" from autotopoff.com and received it today.
The drilled holes are sloppy and don't match up. They're off both vertically and horizontally. I'm not very happy with this as I will have to drill my own hole which will be so close to the next hole that it could break through. Plus I also have to find a drill to borrow now.
All I can do is put one of the zap straps on which allows it to move at an angle despite how tight I pull it. See pictures.
The shipping cost was $21.95 to me in Vancouver, which I thought was a lot, but hoped that maybe it was justified. When I open the box it's mostly filled with scrunched-up newspaper. A box a third of the size (or even a quarter of the size) would have done, thus saving me shipping cost.
This is the box it came in with the switch on top of it. For comparison, to the left of it is the 12 LED package I received from RapidLED.