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Old 02-23-2011, 01:46 AM
tparsons tparsons is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 289
tparsons is on a distinguished road

This tank was converted at the beginning of December 2010 and check out how well these corals have been doing under the LED's.

Here is a macro shot of some nice Fiji Zoanthids in the tank:

Some nice zoanthids from Vietnam:

An Ultra Grade Aussie Acan:

Now of course the first question that people ask when it comes to LED lighting and maintaining corals is "what about sps?"

They even have 4-5 differnt SPS which are doing very well in this tank or the nice acan garden in the center of the tank.

We will get some more pictures for your shortly as we follow the success of this tank.
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