Originally Posted by Katie3G
Reefwars, a tank of zoa's sounds very nice. I love the brightly coloured zoa's. Unforuntately they seem difficult to obtain. Where are you planning on getting your zoa's?
I don't have a photos of my tanks yet. Perhaps in the near future - but now promises.
def wont be getting them here lol as ive noticed maybe 3-4 different kinds so that wont fly lol so as luck would have it i know some people and will be getting them shipped to me....the beauty of zoas are they are hardy shippers for the most part, and alot of times are just shipped in wet newspaper

i wil be buying colonys and fragging them to smaller pieces and im going to try and stay with the theme of affodable zoas thas going around out west as i honestly hate the high pricing of things and know for a fact it can be alot cheaper.....alot of the stores are putting a very very high mark up on their livestock....makes me sad and a little mad