Any of these should certainly be acceptable for freshwater (even planted, since they have good lighting). If you can find them at stores locally, I'd go check out which ones have more easily accessible filtration for cleaning etc... You should be able to find schematics for filtration and/or filtration section volume. There are different sizes of the AIO (All in one), so the filtration sizes will be different. Again, if you can, I would check out in person what seems to be the easiest to clean out, and will process waste efficiently.
I've personally taken care of a 12g bio-cube for 6 months, and I think the maitenance/cleaning could go a bit smoother. I havent had the chance to tinker with the others. Maybe someone else can chime in in terms of the aquapods, nano-cubes, etc...
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!