Some more pix now that I have Omen in this tank.
Remember, when looking at these pictures.. Omen will be 2 years old in May.....
Close up shot of Omen in his, soon to be her, new environment.
View from my Bed: Yes, that is my pillow in the way at the bottom left.
Better FTS without flash.
A Cerith, Pod and a Chiton walked into a bar......
Moved this acro into this tank to see if it would do better here. I had it in my 57 display on the side of the tank and it didn't like it there. I had moved it down to the sand bed there and it was doing great and beginning to color back up, but the duncans were getting very happy in there areas and beginning to touch this guy and I was running outta room down there. So, I decided to move it over to this tank, seeing how the digis and the other tricolor acro are happy and showing signs of great growth in the month or so they have been in the tank. Keep your fingers crossed.
Omen is seeming happy in his new home. He is adapting just fine. It is taking him a little while to realize that he can take his time eating as there are no bigger, or other clowns in this tank with him. He still will only eat the food on the water surface, but not so much when it starts sinking, so I am hoping I can start training that part out of him. I will be trying to feed him a little extra for the first little bit though to ensure he keeps his strength up during the transition.