So I did pull the teardrop on Saturday before leaving town.

It was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a very long time as it was the largest maxima I had ever known of. But it was clearly gone.
It had been looking a little off for a little while, I had hoped that it might turn around and it had its moments where it looked fine but then other moments where I could see something was not right inside. So I think the treatment may have had nothing to do with it.
The squamosa caught me off guard I did not think anything was amiss with it but honestly it takes so little to do these things in. Again it could have been a case of it not being well for a while and just not really noticing it until the last moment.
Losses aside I'm sort of regretting not doing the treatment earlier, with the cyano gone it's evident the damage it left behind most notably in receded tips on the gorgs (they are a cyano magnet especially when shedding) and the blue zoos I picked up from Greg are toast. Darn it all.
Other than that though tank is looking nice, the red planet I picked up from Lorenzo is looking smashing killer and laying down growth like crazy, a cali tort I've got looks amazing and the pieces I picked up from John are looking awesome too.
I just wish I could take a picture of them that's in focus. They are in some kind of strange dampening field or cloaking device or something because I can take 50 pictures of them and not a one, not a ONE will look anything other than a cat barf.
So you'll have to use your imagination for now. Sorry about that..