Tank Tear Down
Looking to move out livestock first. Will post hardware after all the livestock is gone.
100lbs of live rock... full of life. ~20lbs is covered in GSP. $350 for all of it.
Yellow tang $40
Long tentacled Anenome $100... size of a dinner plate.
Clownfish $15... has taken up residence in the anemone
Mandarin fish $20
Lawnmower Blennie $20
Clown Goby $10
Coral Beauty $15
Yellow tail Damselle $10
2 Sand stars $10 ea
2 Brittle stars $10 ea
2 cleaner shrimp $15 ea
10 cerith snails $20
10 hermit crabs $40... a couple pretty big ones
Large Orange Digitata $70
Mushroom rocks $40 ea... Fist sized rocks covered in mushrooms
Pics to come soon