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Old 02-20-2011, 09:24 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post

So knowing that sea water varies around the world... are you actually sure that it is suitable for tropical species of fish? Our ocean water seems very different from say... Australia/Hawaii... so just curious. I have never heard of this in Canada... only in warmer climates.

Pics yet?

theres quite a few on this side doing it by this side i mean atlantic ocean, from what i gather salinity is a little low as my water was only at 1.020 and alot of stuff may need to be dosed but ill soon know enough, so far ive only tested for phosphates and amonia .i have some rock curing now in a bucket and ill actually do a full on test here soon but i figure ill have to add a little bit of everything....salt here is very expensive and the savings of not buying it is worth it to dose for the sake of 5-10g a week

im going to have to use the small skimmer i have now(just a crappy wei-pro to skim my sea water before i use it in my tank....probably gonna use prime as well......good idea anyone??

for the first while ill be testing all new water constantly for everything untill i can get an idea of what is real low or high
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