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Old 02-18-2011, 10:43 PM
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Default WOW.

Originally Posted by GMGQ View Post
So the other day I was reaching around the back of my tank to get some rubble for mounting frags... I felt something very smooth back there, and pulled it out... I nearly dropped it cuz my hand was shaking so bad out of shock/fear!

THE BIG BAD CRAB IS DEAD!!! No wonder all the snails I recently bought are still around!!! This shell is huge! About 3 inches across!! It reminds me of The Predator :S But I was so relieved that it's gone! Now I wont have to worry about my inverts, and I can get more if I wanted!

Thats awsome! I have caught about 10 BAD crabs in my tank over the last 6 months on a mission to rid my tank of them. I have 10+ snail shells missing snails so something is still eating them.
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