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Old 02-16-2011, 04:07 PM
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Default Price of a 33 gal tank these days.

So curious if anyone remembers seeing the price tag on one of those bare approx 33gal 36" tanks in there lfs. Ive been looking for one for a bit now, watching the local bargain finder and kijiji. My LFS has one bare 36" tank but its stickered at $130. I dunno that just seems a little steep to me. Am i wrong? It was $50 for my 20 gal. Im good with that. That and every place ive been too seems to be stuck on these 30" tanks, must be a craze. Is this what a 36" bare plain tank costs these days? Thanks.
"I think were doomed."

"Nah, unless they got any big, giant robot camels I think were ok."

"Ah.....Jim.......robot camels"
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