So, a small update of pix for the month.
The Tricolor acro has been growing really quickly this month. It has grown over the part that was stung by the pocci before I moved it. It has also now developed new branches.
The Yuma is larger than ever, it has two mouths and I am beginning to wonder when it is going to split.
It is not very often I get the chance to take a pic of my Toxic Chalice. I have had it as long as the other one, but it nearly died. But its comeback has been explosive, at least in terms of growth. Almost twice that as my rainbow one. It is almost the size it was when I got it.
Speaking of, here is my rainbow chalice.
My Toadstool is happy as ever and growing a whole lot as well.
These are some green striped mushrooms I am looking after for a friend. They are almost the size of a dime right now for a couple of them. Most much smaller than that. They are coming back slowly from near nothingness. I can't wait to see how they turn out.
The green bottlebrush is growing growing growing.
The same with this one.
Now that I have moved my xenia to the back of the tank, I can take better picks of my larger dendro.
Sam the eagle, my starry blenny was all upfront for a pic.
Acans happy as can be.
And a bunch of pics of Omen from tonight. He has been allowed by Big Momma to come out of hiding for the last four days as long as he sticks around the front left of the tank near the brineshrimp net I have in there for them to get used to to try to catch him with (a larger net) eventually.
Finally, Front Tank Shot 02-15-2011