Originally Posted by Nebthet
My McCosker's Flasher Wrasse. He isn't too shy a fish and will stand up for himself against my Big Momma clown if she gets pithy with him.
Hi Nebthet, my McCosker can also be quite rambunctious at times, I am quite certain that he is the cause of the demise of my Naoko

He is now banished to QT possibly awaiting a new home
Originally Posted by muck
Hi stacey,
Beautiful Rhomboid!!
I will use your Golden Rhomboid photo for the contest entry but we all would like to see the other photo as well. 
Thanks Muck,
The Rhomboid is my favorite wrasse, and the best behaved out of the bunch.
Here are a couple of my Blue Margin, a beautiful fish in its own right. He, however can be quite the bully towards other Cirrhilabrus'. (Please excuse the dirty glass
