Originally Posted by George
I don't think cleaner shrimps or cleaner wrasses can do anything to ich. They mainly pick up dead skin or left over food in the mouth of a fish.
Garlic may or may not help.
Sometime people reported that they added this and that and the ich went away. Well, ich just doesn't simply go away. Most likely they are still attaching to some fish but just don't cause an outbreak yet.
If you don't want to set up a hospital tank, then avoiding any stress on the fish is the best option. Feed it well, no aggressive fish. Stable parameters. Hopefully the fish can fight off the outbreak.
Originally Posted by The Grizz
I beg to differ with you there, my cleaner wrasse took care a a case of ick on my Regal in one day. And garlic is a big help to keep all fish healthy.
Well..the life cycle of marine ich is very well studied and understood. There are 3 stages to it, the first stage it bores under the skin or gills of a fish. The second stage it falls off the fish and turns into a cyst. The third stage it breaks out of the cyst and becomes a free swiming parasite. If it can't find a host in the 3rd stage within a few days, it dies.
In the first 2 stages, no current medicine can kill it because it is well protected. That's why I believe cleaner shrimps or clean wrasses can't do a damn thing about it either when ich is in those stages. They can't do anything about free swimming ich either.
If sign of ich goes away without using any medicine, kudos to you for keeping the fish stress free and avoiding another outbreak.