Thread: Zoa frags?
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Old 02-15-2011, 11:53 PM
KevinK KevinK is offline
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Originally Posted by freezetyle View Post
thats terrible news. i would take a photo and send him a message anyway about the water temp and such if you haven't already. hopefully they pull through. those four extra are mine if no one else ordered aside from you
I ordered 2 (in fact 3, one Shelly would ordere for me and 2 I ordered at the vendor as mentioned on page 2 of this tread:

shelly, if you could order the red flower zoa for me, than I wil order the 2 others (1x Australian Green Favia
1x Patriot Zoa)

now i dont know if thy are in this shipment yes ore no.

regarding quality,

it is more than a shame, and listening to there reaction, thy should not be allowed to do business, as it appears thy don't know how to treat living things (it is as simple as on + one = 2)

time of the year/temperature + shipping time = decent packaging+heat pack.

really, really a shame how some deal with things that are alive, after you paid.

lets hope for the best, and that “the man” keeps his worth with his warranty.

it makes a man and a business when admitting you where wrong, and to compensate for the loss and damage, lets se if this one has the B... to admit he could have dun a better thing
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