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Old 02-15-2011, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Do nothing. Feed it well, let it settle in. See what happens. Maybe add fresh garlic to some mysis. Thaw mysis, squish really well in paper towel to get out moisture, then smother with freshly crushed garlic. It's what I do, always works for me and I've never lost a fish to ich...
Brad do you let the crushed garlic go into the tank with the mysis or do you do anything to separate it before adding to the tank?

My guess here is the stress of the new tank is what brought it on, as long as the fish remains eating and nobody is picking on him it should go away. Some fish are more prone to ich than others. My lavender tang seems to have about a half dozen spots that come and go and it's been well over a year. I put some cleaner shrimp in and he's all too happy to let them work their magic on him so time will tell if that makes a difference down the road but for the most part managing ich is all about managing good water quality, peaceful tankmates and good food quality so that the fish's own immune response and slime coat become enough to repel the ich on the next go-round of the ich cycle. It's been a real mind-blow for me in this last year as previously in 12 years or whatever it's been now for me of running SW fish tanks I've been lucky in that ich went away on new arrivals within a week and now I'm adjusting myself to thinking that chronic ich seems less of a panic button item than other ailments.
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