Thread: Zoa frags?
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Old 02-15-2011, 08:25 PM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by freezetyle View Post
thats terrible news. i would take a photo and send him a message anyway about the water temp and such if you haven't already. hopefully they pull through. those four extra are mine if no one else ordered aside from you
I did send him an email, and pictures to his Support@ address, as instructed on the website.. It bounced back to me as unknown.. Lol

I did also send an email to his billing address.. Of course he got that one!

he responded something about when he buys corals they come with icepacks.. Emmm ya.. In the summer.

He has given us a week to see if they live, I have them in baskets in my mushroom tank, as i don't want the rot in with my established zoas.. One or two look like they might just open. I will let you know.
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