shutting down my 125 so i have a few things for sale.
first off i have 3 mh pendants each on individual ballasts. 2 are run off vertex 250w ballasts and another pendant is run off of a white electronic ballast with a power switch i bought from jl. Im not sure of the brand but it hasnt let me down yet. each pendant comes with an 8month old aquaconnect 14,000k bulb.
I would ask 450 for all three however if people want just one pendant ballast combo something could be worked out im sure

. I also have a lifereef 1200 gph overflow i would sell for 120 obo. 40 gallon breeder sump 45 and 125 gallon aquarium 130 bucks. also have over 100 pounds of rock selling for 3 dollars a pound. many of the rocks have blue/green mushrooms on them and it would be best to sell these before i rip the tankl apart! and lastly my euro reef rs 135 skimmer 130 bucks.
250 w mh pendants x3- $450
overflow - $120 obo
sump - $45
125 gallon- $135
rock- $3 a pound
rs-135- $130
let me know anyone! pm if really interested or if you have any questions!
Posted some pictures here!
I really need to sell this rock everybody! come on 3 bucks is dirt cheap! if no one buys it soon im jsut gonna take the rock out and put it in a garbage can i guess because people are wanting to buy the tank soon and i cant hold off any longer