Clown attacking a niger trigger
I have a little ocellaris clownfish in my tank with my niger trigger and I am afraid that one day he'll be trigger food. He's just going in front of the trigger and keep harrasing it. He leans foward with the head pointing down and sort of try to push the trigger away. The trigger gets tired of it at some point and move a little on the clown and bite (he bites the water, not the clown), so the clown swim away fast but he's back in no time.
Is that normal? why would a small clown fish attack or harras a trigger? Seem a bit stupid! He's alone and there is no partner so it's not about breeding either.
So why the heck is he doing this? He's not doing it to any other fish and was best buddy with my hippo tang and my hippo tang was doing this as well. Could it be that he picked this behavior from watching his buddy hippo tang? The tang is in another tank now BTW.
Last edited by daniella3d; 02-14-2011 at 01:47 PM.