PS. My fuge is 71gal dedicated fuge, with caulerpas (2 types), cheato, and mangroves... a sandbed, rock... There IS a large clownfish that motors around in there hunting the larger pods (amphipods and Isopods)... And a bullet goby (gobiosoma macrodon), who is fatter than fat from eating copepods... and my copepod population is still through the roof. Low flow, good light/(old lights too), sandbed... miracle mud, algaes, areas for the pods to be 'safe', these will definitely help.
If you can try to do larger size!
Plus im sure you can find, or train, the mandarins to eat prepared foods. If you manage this... then no worries at all! Should be able to buy some already eating it.
No more tanks  - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!