Taking the plunge with biopellets
so... it was a total impulse purchase, but I had always assumed my sump cabinet was too full to run any sort of reactor. Turns out you don't need much of a reactor for a 90 gallon tank!
I've been having algae issues almost since day one, but my NO3 and PO3 readings have always been darn near undetectable, I figure that's just cuz all the extra is getting gobbled up by the algae as soon as it's produced. So much so I don't even bother testing anymore, I can tell just by looking at the tank when nutrients are building up.
Anyway, we'll see how this goes. I've been wanting to up the ante on nutrient export for a while now, because all I've been doing is protein skimming so far. We shall see how it goes. I'll try taking some pictures tomorrow for a 'before' shot.
Tank - 90 gallon w/ 20 gallon sump
Reactor - super cheap PhosBan 150 (quick and dirty)
Pellets - Vertex - Starting with 200 ml, lowest recommended amount for my size system, output pointing at intake of skimmer.