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Old 02-05-2011, 11:59 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chilliwack
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dsaundry is on a distinguished road
Default Tank finally up and attached.

Well my tank is finally up and running, I really dont have a build thread as the tank was already built. The tank sat for about a year and a half as I just didn't have the time and if it wasn't time it was finally with my wifes prodding{nagging}and the plumbing done by Paul and Albert from Oceanic Corals{Huge Thank You}, I finally got rolling. I finished wiring in the lights, 2-250w mogul based pendants and 4 actinic t5's, drilled the holes in canopy for the fans and then did the aquascaping, added sand made sure everything worked{it did} then added about 70g of water, mixed the salt in and waited a few days. checked all parameters and once it was ok I transferred the extra rock from the now defunct 90g to a brute force container and pumped about 50g of the old water in to the new tank...then caught all the fish and moved them over. This was all done over the last week and a half...late late nights...The only thing I want to add for the lighting is a few moonlights. I will be manually topping tank for now until I get the ato hooked up. Please feel free to make any suggestions or comments about the set up. I will attach some photobucket links.
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