My guess is that your fish died and the crab ate it. Shrimp usualy die and decompose. I had 3 fire shrimp that died without much trace. 2 killed eath other and soon after died. One was missing all of its legs from the battle. The other remaining lived for another 6 months and died, then was eaten by the little crabs in my tank. Small fish especialy can be consumed fast.
I think a mantis would need to eat quite a bit more than 2 fishes in a 1.5 year. You already know the clown died, the rest probably did the same. Most fish tend to hide when they are sick and probably die when hiding.
Originally Posted by Canadoc
Hello all,
So... I have a 29 gallon tank, assortment of Zoos and LPS corals. I've had fish randomly dissapear over the last 1.5 yrs... and it's really beginning to irk me. So far have lost a firefish blenny, a lawnmower blenny, and one clown (he just died though... about 3 yrs old.... poor guy). The other two I never saw again. Shrimp don't seem to last long either.
I know the usual suspect is a Mantis.... but I have never seen one, never heard one, have put out traps... and nothing.
I do have some biggish emerald crabs.... could they do it? Rawr. I miss my fish!