Originally Posted by matinbc
You could always use that extra pump to make a water feature for the front lawn! hahaha. Or hook it up to the tank for water change days and run a hose out to your driveway to get rid of the ice if we ever see cold weather this year! (Kidding)
Whats your plan for lighting then? I Have a good buddy who is a dealer for led lights and I am thinking about making my own heat sink similar to yours for a led fixture. (On a smaller scale as I am only runing a 90gal tank)
I would be interested to better understand how you wired the fixture!
Well I think I'm going to forget about the extra pump for now and save it as a spare/water change pump.
Lighting wise I'm just waiting for Chinese new year to be over so I can order my LED's from china.
I wired each LED to it's own driver (strait on/off no fade) I then have five drivers wired to one plug... each driving same color LED's