
they don't live long sometimes because they are cought with cyanide and this slowly attack their liver and kidney and eventualy one of both organs fail. Copperband butterfly prefer lower light and they usualy hunt after the lights are out, especialy if there are moonlights. This is why I bought mine actualy, to eat the nasty amphipods that come out after dark and eat all my zoanthids.
If the copperband has not be poisoned by cyanide and its liver and kidney are good, it is well fed and eating well and fat, then it should live many years. I know someone how had one for nearly 7 years.
Many people think that their copperband is healthy but they are skinny with no fat pad at the top of the head and top of the body. They should be thick there. They should not be pinched at all but rather the opposite.
The guy where I bought my copperband from said the fish was eating like a pig. It was eating 3 to 4 PE mysis per day and that's what he called eating like a pig. The fish was very skinny and emanciated. Juging from my experience with mine, copperband butterfly eat A LOT! wow...almost as much as a trigger.
Originally Posted by Jackie
I notice my CBB stays active at night and seems never sleep.
It that why they don't live long?