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Old 02-03-2011, 02:54 PM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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Default UPDATE

My copperband loves the fresh oyster and mussles. He and the niger trigger finish it off in no time and the copperband gets a huge belly then. So with a diet of live white worms daily, PE mysis (which he only eats a few) and fresh shelfish every 2 days, he's fat and happy.

Interesting to see how the copperband push away the trigger when he comes near the oyster at first, then leave the place for the trigger. Good thing my niger trigger is a big pussy and not aggressive at all and wait until the copperband leave. In fact it is the niger trigger that showed the copperband that the thing in the shell was food! it is only after seing the trigger eating it that the copperband went for it.
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