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Old 02-02-2011, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
Again, my concern is that only your skimmer re-oxynated your water. Do you have flow in your tank? Using powerheads at the surface to aggitate the water at the top, helps to re-oxygenate. I would look at how you have things configured, as not having a skimmer running for 12 hours should not kill things. I think your problem is bigger than a bad powerbar overall. IMO...
The fact that your skimmer stopped working has nothing to do with the death of your fish unless that's the only thing moving/circulating the water in your tank.

I have not used a skimmer since day one and my tank does EXTREMELY well, corals grow like crazy and everything is very happy. Fish or corals don't die just because the skimmer stopped working.

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