Originally Posted by StirCrazy
never mind, I just looked it up and it is mastic. wrong stuff for floor tiles man, hopefully it works good for you as it is a small area.
this is right from the instructions
"Do not use in critical water exposure areas"
this is the problem with mastics, they get soft again when they get wet, and take forever to dry as they need O2 to cure, hence why there not recomended for areas that can get wet.
I have been using this for a very long time, thanks however yuou have to let it harden and then its pretty much rock solid. you can use it in the bathrooms you can't use it on the floor where there is water all the time. the maker states it can be in a bathroom , you just need to unsure you seal the grout lines and its its softer tile you need to seal both sides.....
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.