Thread: Edmonton Water
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Old 01-31-2011, 05:18 PM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

Leduc<mostly supplied by Edmonton I belive.>
for evap and water changes

Tap water, no prime unless i need to do a big change in a hurry or the refil resivoir has been empty a while and lots is going into the tank.

LPS growing like snot, sps having problems which may or may not be related.

going RO/DI when funds permit.

I have tested my water a few times and was getting bottled RO but just gave up on it after a while. I also used to run an aquaclear with carbon and gfo on my water for a few days before i used it but some how that tank ended up filled with rock and water incoming water has no phospates with an elos kit, and the tds of the water at the store 4 blocks away is allways around 120.
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