200g reef closing in Calgary - Livestock SOLD
I am closing my 200 gallon reef tank in SE Calgary due to a leak that can only be repaired by moving the tank. I have the following livestock available and I would like to sell by Friday. Prices are low for quick sale.
Six Line Wrasse $10 Pending Sale
Naso Tang, 5in $20 Sold
Blue Tang, 4in $20 Sold
Foxface Rabbitfish, 5in $20 Sold
Blue Chromis, $10 Pending Sale
Auriga Butterfly, 3in, excellent aiptasia eater $20 Sold
Lawnmower Blenny $10 Pending Sale
Coris gaimard, 4in $20 Pending Sale
Green carpet anenome, 6in $20 Sold
Purple Tang, $20 Sold
Starfish, 3 $10 each Sold
Cork sponge (possible), $10 Sold
Gorgonia, brown, 7in $10 Sold
Percula Clownfish, 1in $10 Pending Sale
Golden Striped clownfish and crispa ananome (maybe), brown with pink tips $30 Sold
Flame Angels, two, 2in, $20 each Pending sale
Black sea cucumber, $10 Pending Sale
Few snails, frags, etc $5 Pending sale
You need to bring net and containers. SE Calgary. Access in evenings only.
Last edited by pjgriffin; 02-08-2011 at 01:43 AM.
Reason: Sale update