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Old 01-29-2011, 11:30 PM
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riggs riggs is offline
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Default FS: 72 Gal Bowfront with 6' cabinet & sump $500 North Van.

Attachment 7248

72 Gal Bowfront - Great shape, no scratches. Drilled on the right side with 3 overflows.

Very Nicely Built Custom Stand- A real piece of furniture! (doors still need polyurethane). The cabinet was built to be viewed from both sides, so it has doors on both sides. Built in extension cord with 2 powerbars mounted on flipdown brackets to keep your electrical up out of the way, a shelf which runs the full length of the cabinet, 2-24 watt 10K lights mounted above the refugium/frag tank.

40 Gal Sump - Unique design gives lots of room for filtering, Return Pump, Frag Tank/Refugium, ATO, Skimmer.... Lots of room and you can put a 34" tall skimmer in it!

Overflow- So, does anyone like that gurgling/sucking sound most overflows make? I sure as hell don't - so I combined a Durso, a Herbie, and an overflow at specific heights (with gate valves as well) to produce a perfectly silent overflow! You will have to see it up & working but it is nothing short of amazing!

4 Return Valves - Each return has its own valve & is completely adjustable so you can put circulation exactly where your corals need it most!

ATO - Once you've had an ATO you will NEVER run a tank without one! Custom ato with emergency overflow shutoff. Just needs a Tom's aqualifter pump and a bottle of water to pull from.

Attachment 7249
Attachment 7317

Nicely designed & well kept setup. I probably spent $700 or $800 on the materials alone, so I thought it would be fair to ask $500. For another $100 I can also include a Coralife 220 Skimmer which I was running with a Mag 3. This skimmer setup I had out performing most others I tried!

Give me a call if you have any questions.

Scott 604-240-9717
Just Love to Build!

Last edited by riggs; 04-15-2011 at 03:08 PM.
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