Originally Posted by Cranky When Wet
Hi Greg!
Do any of these pretties have colloquial names to help me id them? Are they from Aussie or elsewhere? And, are any of them friendly or short reached?
Thank you >:-)
They are from Australia and the first picture & possibly the 2nd look to be Mycedium sp. & the last two look to be echno's. From my understanding of what the word colloquial means I guess "Chalice" would be the "colloquial term" which has several varieties of corals under the same umbrella since they have a fairly similar look and shape to them. From what I've seen some examples selling as a "chalice are ie: echnopora, mycedium sp & M elephantotus & sometimes even oxypora or acanthastea rotundoflora. They all grow rather flat with bumpy eye-like corallites and tend to extend sweeper tentacles at night which can range from about 1/4 inch to 2 inches depending on the coral. In my experience mycedium has the shortest of them, then the echno's and finally oxypora with the longest however this can vary from coral to coral. Long story short - give them a little bit of room and both the surrounding corals & the chalice should do just fine and stay happy.
If I misunderstood your terminology for colloquial I apologize. Perhaps you may be looking for the more common "street" name. For example the coral below is often referred to as "lava chalice" which I actually will also have available.
Sorry for the extra long explanation. I have no "street/designer names" for the others except for "wow - nice colors" but I hope my explanation helps.

Thanks for your interest.