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Old 01-29-2011, 02:26 AM
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Siderjan Siderjan is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Tillsonburg, Ont. Canada
Posts: 32
Siderjan is on a distinguished road

I thought for sure my Emerald crab came in. But it's not. I have no idea what kind it is but I bought it anyways. Looked kinda like a porcelain crab. If any one knows what it is, please let me know.

Since I've been bored outta my mind with nothing to look at in my DT, I decided I needed some more colour in my tank. I was sick of looking at green and brown. So I began looking online for Coral retailers close to me. I found 2. Frag-a-lot, and Coral Crazy. Since I was going to be home for a week inbetween Christmas and New Years I thought I'd take a drive to these places and see what they had. I sent a message to each from their contacts page on their website. Coral Crazy got back to me in less than a hour saying they were just starting out and if I wanted anything to check out Marine Authority, unless I could wait til the 26th of Jan. I wanted my wife, Kim, to go with me so I thought I'd wait and see what Frag-a-lot had. I sent them another message a couple of days later via the contacts page, and to this date still haven't heard anything from them. Coral Crazy on the other hand I feel like we are family. We were emailing each other almost everyday. I was going to go up on there tomorrow, but they were going to pick up an order in Toronto on the 22nd so they offered to meet me at Timmie's off the 401.

Here's what I ordered;
1-Eagle Eye Zoa Frag
1-Red Zoa Frag
1-Blue Paly Frag
1-Green Stripped Mushroom
1-Orange Ric
1-Pink Ric

Here's what I got for $90 taxes included!

3 Eagle Eye Zoa Frags (for the price of 1) & Pink Ric that's ready to split. They gave me 3 Eagle Eyes because the one I picked wasn't looking too good and wanted to make sure I had one that lived.

Red Zoa Frag. Bigger then what was listed.

Blue Paly Frag with some zoas mixed in with them (same price) and the Green stripped mushroom

Last but not least my Orange Ric.

I stopped on my way home to show off my corals to Lyle and my Emerald crab finally showed up.

Let the acclimation begin and end. Ready to start glueing frags.

Here is everything 20 minutes after I got them all glued down and finished a water change. Going left to right in the tank.

And here's Emm eating as soon as she hit the bottom of the tank.

I sat down watching Emm until she went and hid in the rocks and I got this great picture of a hermit crab that had just changed his shell.

Angie & Jim at Coral Crazy didn't have to worry about those Eagle eyes dying. After a week in my tank, everything they sold me is doing very well. The pink Ric is so close to spliting it isn't funny. They are great people to deal with and very helpful. I would recommend them to anyone! You can find them at Tell them Barry sent you if you want.

I did notice one morning while I was looking for Crabbie Joe that some how I picked up a feather duster worm. (before my order from Coral Crazy) It's added 2 new rings for it's tube in the past 3 weeks. Hope the space it's growing in isn't too small for it. I can't get a good picture of it cause it takes 3 hands. 2 for the camera and 1 for the flashlight. LOL!
~ Barry ~

Have a look at my custom 59 gallon setup. <-24Megs <-100 Megs Jan.23/11
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