Thread: ID needed
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Old 01-28-2011, 07:00 PM
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Cranky When Wet Cranky When Wet is offline
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Smile Bunny with a correction - my bad....

Oooops, sorry Beta Guy.... and thanks Myka... my bad... yes they are hydroids... of which there are copious types....

Here's some good reading for Beta guy >:-) or anyone else who may be interested:

The site's search engine allows for confining the search to the site. I find it best that way... there is soh much to learn; one can spend weeks reading >:-)

This site is written/hosted/monitored by the likes of Bob Fenner and Anthony Calfo... there's plenty of info regarding water preparation and tank cycling as well anything SW one can imagine.

Personally, I'd wait until after the cycle to see the whole playing ground rather than treating anything at this time. I have a little cluster of hydroids that have remained the same size for over a year, and localized in an unobtrusive manner; so there was no need to do anything. If they really bother you, I suppose you could lop off the piece of rock they are on (outside the tank), and hope they don't have siblings elsewhere....

Some of these guys sting so don't do the bare finger pokey thing....

Most algae are controlled by levels of nutrients in water... or Turbo snails... read the site... info is power >:-)

That being said, aiptasia are another matter. I had a peppermint shrimp who was a proven aiptasia killer. He could handle them as long as they were juveniles. Once he cleaned that particular tank, I moved him on to a larger tank because they don't do well with water parameters that change too much. I got mine from a LFS that actually demo'd my guy before selling him to me LOL!

Gotta run and get to work.... Love your tank build and the mature rock is wonderful and giving you lots of goodies to enjoy!

Have fun!

Bunny >:-)

Originally Posted by CGY_Betta_Guy View Post
After starting my cycle a few weeks ago I have been slowly been finding lots of little creatures that I have no clue what they are... can anyone help me ID them so I can research them? Also if anyone notices anything in the pics that would be cause for concern please let me know since I am a newbie and still learning.

1) Unidentified growth which is slowly getting longer. The purple portion in center of shot that is in focus.

2) Looking down into my Edge tank I saw these growing... looks good but no idea what it might be

3) this appears to be a red coraline algae but I havent tried to scratch it yet to confirm.. just wanted to make sure its not the bad red slime

4) some clammy looking thing sticking outta my rock. The picture is out of focus as I had to shoot at an angle

5) Hair algae or a soft coral?

6) wormy looking dude with a head that moves when light shines on it.

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