Thread: ID needed
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Old 01-28-2011, 04:37 PM
CGY_Betta_Guy CGY_Betta_Guy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 44
CGY_Betta_Guy is on a distinguished road

something else I need an ID on...

8) Found this little circular shaped guy with the greenish specs in the center moving around the tank. Not moving around mobile like a snail would but yesterday it was in one spot on the glass and the next it moved a couple cm over onto the rock. It is roughly 3-4mm across and doesnt seem to have any snail appendages or even a shell but was attached to the glass and looked flat and circular with no color (other than the pinkish body) and now I can see a bit of color on it and it looks to be a different shape.. The part touching the glass did look like a snail foot would on the glass. Any ideas as to what it is?
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