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Old 01-27-2011, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by gobytron View Post
Again, with a high quality external, there is no break in siphon.

I would not use one of the ones that relies on an aqualifter, these are made to fail...

bit do some due dilligence on Life Reef, my experience is the norm and not the exception.

you sound like a guy who has never actually used one of these.

I have used drilled tanks and both the utube and aqualifter pumps and the only reason I would drill a tank would be for a closed loop because my experience with both my life reef as well as the DIY I made are reliable and gove me so much more tank to work with, though they are not fool proof and need to be set up (and constructed) appropriately.

You are spreading misinformation based on your inexperience IMO.

I wont say one is better than the other, just that they are both viable and reliable options depending on your needs.
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