20110106 - added some critters
Spiny Astrea snail
Blue legged hermit crab - about .5 cm long and bit out of focus due to shooting at an angle through the glass
Trochus Snails
Nassarius Snails - Periscope up! - what I usually see of the Nassarius Snails
rare view of one of them zooming to a new location
20110107 some sort of macro algae growing
and a view of the chiton I found on the rock
20110113 - added another 7 lbs of live rock to the sump so I am up to about 15 lbs of LR in water volume of about 9G. Dont know why I bought so much as my sump is totally filled and there is really no room. I ended up breaking up the one big hunk I bought into about 4 smaller chunks so it would fit in the different compartments. Is there such a thing as too much? This pic also shows the installation of the skimmer cup for the Tunze Nano 9002 skimmer through the acrylic lid.