Thanks Doug! I think I'm done with rabbitfish though. The whole reason I had been attracted to doliatus in the first place was that they're one of the smaller rabbitfish and even still I think mine had become larger than my sailfin tang. After getting used the to the look of these 8 small fish in there right now (2 clowns, the fairy wrasse, the 5 chromis) and seeing them dart in and out of the rocks like you might expect to see on a real reef (it's a neat effect, I should try for a video), putting this 7" or whatever he was rabbitfish in there felt like tossing a 10lb trout into a barrell. So even the small ones are just too dang big in the end. So I think until the day comes I get an even bigger tank (which aint gonna happen soon, if at all) I think I'm OK being done with them for the time being.
I still sorta think them nems is more dumb than evil but yeah either-or I guess, take your pick. The stupid thing is I'm still tempted to try another rose, I just like the look of them even if I can't really stand the clowns that go in them. I technically have two 3/4" sized roses in there somewhere, one is completely lost and untraceable in the rockwork (guess it will show up if it wants to some day) and another in a jar. They were both hidden right in the deepest of pits in the bottom of the rockwork in the 40g so yeah talk about antisocial. Bleached to heck and starved to tiny, at least the one in the jar seems to be staying put so I can attempt to feed it and reacclimate it to daylight but it's probably a tall order to hope anything successful will come of my efforts there but I might as well try. Stupid BTAs.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!