Closed Brain coral help
Hey all, Ive had a closed brain coral which I received about a year ago. I noticed a hole in the middle of it with some sort of crab-like creature living in it. Soon after I noticed it, the coral began to die starting near the area of the hole and moving outward, at that time I decided to kill the bugger inside. Since then, some new growth began apearing, which made me optomistic, but as soon as the growth started, the coral began to turn dark dark brown in other places. Im at the point where I am trying to figure out what to do to give it the best chance of survival. Could I frag off the dark brown ( if in fact the dark brown is dead?). Will the dead part never grow back? Will it eventually spread to the healthy parts? Here are some pictures as well, you can see in the middle the new growth ( purple/brown with green mazes) The light brown stuff is still feeding at night and going soft, I beleive it to be still healthy, just the dark dark brown stuff apears dead. Thanks in advance for any help given
Last edited by sbcam; 01-08-2013 at 12:43 AM.