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Old 01-22-2011, 02:41 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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In deed, completely ridiculous. I don,t have ich in my tank because I do a strict quarantine. This is a stupid myth.

Though for the ich to be completely gone it must be fishless for 6 weeks. Some ich cyst have been found to resist for 71 days, but that's rare. cannot be sure if you only quarantine your coral for 30 days that you will be 100% ich free.

If you add fish without quarantine with hyposalinity then there is a very good risk that you have ich in your tank. Often it is on the fish gill and it is not apparent and the fish fight it off. It does not mean that a fish that carry ich will show any sign of it, so treating with hyposalinity when ever possible is a good practice.

Avoiding ich is very hard since a fish can seem healthy and still carry it. A very strict quarantine on everything is required.

Originally Posted by abcha0s View Post
That get's my vote for rediculous? - If I don't say it, someone else will.

As soon as I add fish, there is a risk of adding ich, but it is only a risk. If I add one fish that has never been exposed to ich, then there is no ich in my tank. Period.
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