Unfortunatly these tree things would not work against marine velvet. lets just hope you don't have to deal with that. More than one person here on this forum were doing the same thing for years without problem, until one day.... then you read threads here mentioning 30 dead fishes.
This is silly and does not have to be just because someone is careless and think that these things will never happen to them. It's not being responsible, it's playing russian roulette with your livestock.
Originally Posted by zoaElite
Ready for a shocker? I never quarantine new fish purchases and have never had any serious problems with disease (Tanks been running for over a year now). Perhaps it's just luck *Knock on wood* but the 3 things I do to keep my fish healthy and happy include:
-Feeding an extremely varied diet soaked in a garlic supplement.
-Regular water changes and nitrate sinks to reduce water containment.
-I also employ a pair of cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp that have set up cleaning stations on either side of the tank.
Seems you are doing everything just fine, I would keep your cleaning routine the exact same and you should see the spots disappear nice and fast.