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Old 01-21-2011, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Yes I know, most fixtures being produced now have replaceable LEDs, but for how much? My point was you can replace a couple halides and T5s for around $200-$300 depending on the type and quantity. You can also usually get an idea on how old T5 bulbs and halide bulbs are by their brightness and color. LEDs are a little trickier and at probably around $10 per LED depending on the manufacturer you could end up spending close to $1000 for a 4 foot fixture.
Yea i agree they are expensive at the moment. i think a puck with three leds from AI runs about $25 USD. But like everything as more products become available price should start to fall.

Aside from DIY LED are still in their infancy compared to MH and T5. we need those early adopters to to weed out the crap. haha
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