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Old 01-21-2011, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by freezetyle View Post
Many fixtures do allow you to replace leds. Aqua illuminations sells their led pucks incase one expires and maxspect you can change out each individual one with a variety of colors now if you choose. i think Vertex is getting into this idea as well with their newer auxiliary models.

I agree that there are a few fixtures and some DIY unit that are going to be inhibited by this problem but i can see a lot more companies in the led market giving the consumer the ability to customize the fixture.
Yes I know, most fixtures being produced now have replaceable LEDs, but for how much? My point was you can replace a couple halides and T5s for around $200-$300 depending on the type and quantity. You can also usually get an idea on how old T5 bulbs and halide bulbs are by their brightness and color. LEDs are a little trickier and at probably around $10 per LED depending on the manufacturer you could end up spending close to $1000 for a 4 foot fixture.
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